Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The 3 Most Important Things to Consider Before Starting a Design

This topic doesn’t necessarily need a long explanation of the three main points, so I’ll just list some factors for consideration by way of an “infographic” (or at least, my own pathetic attempt at one).
I think these three areas are arguably the most important to consider when preparing for a new design. I stress that these are pre-design considerations.
The 3 Most Important Things to Consider Before Starting a Design
  1. Audience (accessibility, progressive enhancement, usability)
  2. Content (structure, navigation)
  3. Conversions (visual hierarchy, call-to-action)

What do You Consider Before Starting a Design?

So much could be said about each of the points and sub-points listed above. Are there any other important factors to consider when preparing to design something new? Feel free to give your feedback.

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